
Archive for the ‘life’ Category

Today Bawdsey left the building, but not in a bad way. The layout had been stored for a couple of years and it’s last exhibition was Larkrail two years ago. With other projects and ‘life’ getting in the way, the layout wasn’t being used.

Fortuitously Tony Gee connected myself with an interested party, one of the layouts original operating team. Another friend had expressed an interest in the layout, but kindly stepped back (thanks Pete), when the original team said they’d definitely take it on.

So yesterday I assembled the layout for the last time, cleaned the track and plugged it in. No problems, it worked as advertised, a testament to the techniques and skills of Chris Matthewman, the original builder.

Today it had its last photoshoot in my custody for one of the magazines, and a few minutes ago I waved it goodbye with its new owners. Initially it’ll be a home layout but the possibility of doing some exhibitions with its new, or rather original team is quite likely. Most importantly though, it’s gone to a good home which was critical to passing it on.

This is likely the final post for this blog, thanks for tagging along over the years.

Paulmp ‘Bawdsey’

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